Economists' Outlook

Housing stats and analysis from NAR's research experts.

Demographics of Investment and Vacation Buyers


  • The typical vacation-home buyer in 2010 was 49 years old, had a median household income of $99,500 and purchased a property that was a median distance of 375 miles from his or her primary residence; 31 percent of vacation homes were within 100 miles and 41 percent were more than 500 miles.
  • Currently, 40.7 million people in the U.S. are ages 50-59 – a group that dominated sales in the first part of the past decade and established records for second-home sales. An additional 43.8 million people are now in the primary buying demographic of 40-49 years old, while another 40.4 million are 30-39.
  • The 2011 Investment and Vacation Home Buyers Survey can be downloaded here:
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