Economists' Outlook

Housing stats and analysis from NAR's research experts.

REALTOR® Member Age, Income and Experience

  • Income is typically commensurate with experience. As REALTORS® gain experience and a larger network of referrals and previous clients, their income generally rises.
  • REALTORS® with 16 years or more experience had a median gross income of $50,200 compared to REALTORS® with two years or less experience that had a median gross income of $8,700.
  • The number of hours worked per week also strongly correlates with income. REALTORS® who typically worked less than 20 hours a week had a median gross income of $8,600 a year, and those who worked 60 or more hours per week had a median gross income of $80,900.
  • Another trend that is occurring among the NAR membership is the rise in age. The median age among members is 56 years old, which has increased from 51 years old in 2007. NAR members have increased in experience and age which is helpful to clients, but also helpful to members as they have a wide network of previous clients, which is where referrals come into play.

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